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Size: 203.9 Acres
Type: Ranches

203.9 Acres in Utopia, TX - $1,200,000

*NEW* 204 Acres S Utopia

203.90 acres, more or less. Last surveyed on April 10, 2017. Property is located approximately 25 miles NE of Uvalde at the intersection of State Hwy. 187N and FM 1796 being 12 miles S of Utopia and 10 miles N of Sabinal and accessed via a 1 mile (4.72 acre) non-exclusive easement (Sabinal-Woodward Ranch Road). All in Uvalde County, Texas. 203.90 Acres, more or less, consisting of Tract 1 95.8 acres out of A#0878, A.G. Dillard S#94; 72.1 acres out of A#0595, T.T. RR Co. S#289; 22.4 acres out of A#0089, Beaty, Seale & Forwood S#93; 13.7 acres out of A#0661, Georgetown RR Co. S#327; and Tract 2 Non-Exclusive easement and right-of-way over and across that certain

road described as the Sabinal-Woodward Ranch Road being a 4.72 acre tract of land consisting of 4.18 acres out of A#878, A.G. Dillard S#94 and 0.54 acres out of

A#595, T.T. RR Co. S#289, all in Uvalde County, Texas. Cash to...

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