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0.16 Acres in Bay Saint Louis, MS - $3,500

0.16 Acre in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi

This 0.16 acre lot is located in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi and the address is Juniper, Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520.

Bay St. Louis is only 1 hour drive to New Orleans, Louisiana and just minutes away from the Gulf of Mexico. As of the one best places to live in Mississippi, the quaint seaside city of Bay St. Louis offers itineraries and things to do for every age and type of visitor. Enjoy the Bay's white sand beaches with the family (and leashed pets!), peek through the downtown art galleries and antique stores for one-of-a-kind shopping, educate the family on the history of Bay St. Louis by visiting local attractions, or indulge in the leisurely - and sometimes competitive - sports of golf and charter fishing with friends. Bay St. Louis delivers on fun!

The median home cost in Bay St. Louis is Real Estate: $136,800. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 10.1%. Compared to the ...

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