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Size: 101 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

101 Acres in Tushka, OK - $202,880


LOCATION: 1/4 mile Southeast of Tushka, OK. The entire property is bordered by MKT Railroad on the west.

Section 8 T3S R11E, Atoka County, Oklahoma

DIRECTIONS: Turn west into Southeast corner of property after driving 1 mile south on High Hill Rd. off of Boggy Depot east of Tushka, Oklahoma. Boggy Depot Road runs east and west on the south side of Tushka.

CLOSEST TOWN & ZIP: Tushka, Oklahoma, 74525

ACCESS: County Road that ends in property.


TAXES: 2012 taxes - $66.11

TOPOGRAPHY: Rolling Ridges running Northeast to Southwest. There are 3 bottoms made by wet weather creeks. Two of these low areas run east & west. On Southwest corner a small bottom connects to another creek and proceeds south off the property. Highline crosses property east to west ½ way up from the south end.

IMPROVEMENTS: This property is regrown hardwood and openings on the north end. ...

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