LOCATION: South of Bokoshe, LeFlore Co., OK.. Minutes to the LeFlore County seat in Poteau or Ft. Smith, Arkansas' 2nd largest city. Access is presently restricted. Property Is located on a section line.
UTILITIES: None presently on property. Electric and phone service are on adjoining properties.
TOPOGRAPHY/SOILS: A wide array of soils are present. While the northern portion of the property is upland and mainly class vii soils, the majority of the lower 40 acres lies in the Brazil Creek bottom and a much higher class soil. Property ranges from nearly level to strongly sloping. See topo and soil map for detail.
COVER/IMPROVEMENTS: No improvements. All timber/brush. Excellent potential for development of wildlife food plots. Pasture development also feasible.
COMMENTS: This property holds potential for development as wildlife or pasture. The property's isolation lends to it's desirabi...
COMMENTS: This property holds potential for development as wildlife or pasture. The property's isolation lends to it's desirability for wildlife, or for those interested in staying away from the mainstream.