Seminole Canyon Ranch
10 miles South East of Sanderson, TX. (5 miles east on Hwy. 90 to 5 Mile Hill Rd. - turn right - go 2.5 miles - turn left on Boone Water Rd.).
Divide country with deep canyons and valleys.
Native brush, forbes and browse all over ranch, native grasses returning strong from recent rains. Mesquite, cedar & blue oak.
Owner states good water, strong well - 680' deep, 12 gallon per min. pump. Seven storage tanks, two dirt tanks & eight header tanks. This ranch is very well watered and all tanks are full.
Fenced and crossed fenced, new to good. Very nice barn w/living facilities, shipping pens are in excellent shape. Good access throughout the ranch. Electricity.
Good mule & white tail deer, dove quail & turkey. Fishing on the ranch and easy access to Rio Grande River.
You have to see this ranch! It has a lot to offer the hunter or rancher. It has been in the sa...
You have to see this ranch! It has a lot to offer the hunter or rancher. It has been in the same family for 4 generation. The ranch has been rested for the past year and a half. The average hunting income per year is $30,000.00. The scenery is beautiful and the water is refreshing.
Will be adding pictures later.
Price at $125.00 per acre.