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Size: 160.92 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

160.92 Acres in Venango, NE

LAND AUCTION! Tuesday, April 24, at 10:30 AM, MT. Auction will be held at the American Legion Hall in Venango, Nebraska. The farm is located two miles south of Venango to Road 752 then east four miles to the north side of the northeast quarter.

This quarter section has been well taken care of and offers good access from gravel roads on the east and north sides of the property. Currently, there are 68.7 acres of growing wheat with the remaining ground in summer fallow. This farmland features a very level topography and good soils.

For additional information, please contact Brad Stickelman, Agent / Auctioneer at (308) 530-4758 or (308) 532-1054.
