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Size: 377.58 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

377.58 Acres in Muleshoe, TX - $186,902

Taxes: TBD

Wells: 3 cased wells, 1 with pump, 2 without pumps. Pumps were removed for tax purposes. Depth unknown at this time. There is a very good possibility of decent water on this property. Adjacent land is being irrigated with sprinkler systems.

Description: Predominately sandy soil, 40 acres coastal Bermuda, lots of Bermuda grass throughout CRP acreage, Underground Tile, Excellent caliche road with good access, several Mule deer, Sandhill Crane, Quail, Few native acres around house.

CRP Acres Enrolled: 361.8

Rental Rate Per Acre: $30.93

Annual Contract Payment: $11,190.00

Contract Expiration Date: 9/30/2012

Remaining CRP Payments: $55,950.00

Realtor Owned
