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Size: 38.8 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

38.8 Acres in Sabula, IA - $155,006

Just look at the aerial on this one. From a purely whitetail hunting standpoint, this property has the most important features to consistently harvest mature whitetails on this size of property. The most important being that it is a major travel corridor on a big section. This property connects most of the  timber blocks, draws and fingers on the section. Most of the local whitetails( especially mature) are going to use this property to travel from one side of the section to the other during important periods of the hunting season. Another important feature is the tract is mostly what I would consider ideal bedding habitat. Whitetails moving through the area will naturally want to hold on this property for its security during daylight and legal hunting hours. The thick habitat surrounded by ag fields planted in Corn, Soybeans and Alfalfa assure the deer quality food sources in any direct...

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