Great location in southern Person County, near the Orange County line. Easy access back to Hillsborough 13 miles and Burlington 25 miles. Opportunity for multiple home sites, frontage on two paved roads. Tract is comprised of approximately 10 acres of open land and 34 acres of naturally regenerated hardwood. Rolling topography with nice hill in the southeast corner of the property. New survey on record.
Property Information:
Assessed as Phyllis Ottley & Others
Address: Off Wheeler's Church Road & Union Grove Church Road
City: Hurdle Mills, NC 27541
General Information
Best Use: Timber Production/Residential
Current Use: Timber Production/Farming
Topography: Level to rolling
Access: 850+/- feet of frontage on Union Grove
Church Rd. and 500+/- feet of frontage on
Wheelers Church Road.
Zoning: Rural Conservation
Legal Information:
Parcel ID: 7371
Tax PIN #: 9961-00-65...
Tax PIN #: 9961-00-65-6004
Deed: BK 748, PG 708
Plat: Cabinet 11, Hanger 7E &7F
Tax Value: $115,570