The Ashdown West Tract (Listing #4781) is located about one (1) mile northwest of Ashdown and is described as SE of NW, SW of NE, NE of SW, NW of SE, Section 25, Township 12 South, Range 30 west, containing a total of 160 acres, more or less, Little River County, Arkansas (see maps by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button). Access is legal, deeded easement from Little River County Road #43 (old Box Factory Road). Seller has plans to build gravel road along easement as soon as possible. Soils consist of silt loams with average site index (base age 50) of eighty (80) feet for loblolly pine. Timber consists of 140 acres of approximately 19-year-old pine plantation and 20 acres of pine / hardwood. Property offers timber investment with recreational opportunities only minutes from Ashdown. Bring your ATV to inspect and explore the property.
Kingwood Forestry conducted an inventory of merchanta...
Kingwood Forestry conducted an inventory of merchantable timber (four cruise lines running north and south) in July, 2020. Based on the inventory, estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 2,808 Tons
Pine CNS: 1,556 Tons
Misc. Hardwood Sawtimber: 12 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 2,429 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 1,076 Tons
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards, and scaling practices, tree counts and timber volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume report in Tons and Board Feet with tree counts by species, diameter, and height are available by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button.
Please see Method of Sale and Conditions of Sale within Notice of Land Sale by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button.