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50 Acres in Mount Zion, WV - $65,000

50 acres near Mount Zion, West Virginia

This property, consisting of approximately 50 acres, is located at the head of a hollow in Lee Magisterial District of Calhoun County, approximately 1 mile west of the unincorporated settlement Mount Zion on the waters of Sinking Spring

The property is described in the Calhoun County Courthouse in Deed Book 184 Page 67. The land is also identified by the Calhoun County Assessor as being parcel 7 on Map 15 of the tax maps for Lee Magisterial District.

The tract was once the site of a subsistence farm. An old stone foundation and remains of a cut-stone spring house are the only visible evidence of long-term occupation. The property is located in an active oil and gas field and a very old gas well in the center of the tract is still in production. Access to the property from County Route 18/3 is by way of a right of way that follows and old road up t...

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