111.57 Acres -Commercial C-3 Zoning
3,250 total feet on Loop 1604 Frontage
105 Acres2500ft 1604 Frontage,6 Acres750ft 1604 Frontage,6 Acres550ft Lookout Rd Frontage
123,309 Average Daily Vehicles (source: TxDOT 2018 data)
Highly visible site located on the eastbound frontage road of 1604 between Nacogdoches and Lookout Rd. 1 mile to IH-35 and 8.5 miles to 281.
Located in front of future onramp to IH-35 as part of a TxDOT project to improve mobility from Loop 410 South to FM 1102 schedule to start in early 2022.
Best suited for Retail, Office, Industrial, Hotel, and Muti-Family.
Nearby retailers include: Wal-Mart, Rolling Oaks Mall, At Home, IKEA, Burlington, Target, BestBuy, Costco, Home Depot, and several restaurants.
SAWS Sewer mains and water lines along 1604 and Lookout Rd. Power Lines run along 1604. A Utility Service Agreement with SAWS in pending. The 105 acres has ...
SAWS Sewer mains and water lines along 1604 and Lookout Rd. Power Lines run along 1604. A Utility Service Agreement with SAWS in pending. The 105 acres has a new wastewater lift station.
A 6-acre lake at the north end of the 105 acres has overflow piping to control flooding. Approximately 19 acres across both tracts are within the 100-year floodplain.
Borders the Missouri-Pacific Railroad
Located on Loop 1604 eastbound frontage road (west side of 1604) between Nacogdoches and Lookout Rd. 1 mile to IH-35/Loop 1604 intersection, 8 miles to Hwy 281, 12 miles to San Antonio International Airport, 16 miles to downtown San Antonio, 16 miles to New Braunfels.
The topography is level to rolling with 60 feet of elevation change. The southwest corner has amazing views, suitable for a high-end hotel and shopping venue. The dominant cover is mesquite and cedar with other native brush and grasses. Larger hardwoods near the pond include black willow, live oak, sycamore, and hackberry. The Missouri-Pacific Railroad track separates the 105 acres from the 6-acre tract. A 6-acre lake at the north end has overflow piping to control flooding. Approximately 10 acres are within the 100-year floodplain. Two small ponds are located near the southwest side. A drainage/wet-weather creek bisects the property in the middle.
SAWS sewer mains and water lines are in place, with future expansion planned on 1604 frontage. A Utility Service Agreement with SAWS is pending. A new SAWS wastewater lift station is on site. High capacity power lines are on and near the property. The property has 2,500 feet of frontage on Loop 1604 eastbound frontage road. This tract will be in front of a future onramp to IH-35 as part of the two 15 mile bridges TxDOT project to improve mobility from Loop 410 South to FM 1102.
The 105 acres benefits from an agricultural tax valuation. 2019 taxes were $270.
***Buyer Agents must make first contact and be present at all showings to participate in 50% commission split. If this condition is not met, Buyer Agent split is at sole discretion of Grand Land Realty, LLC***