DESCRIPTION: 78.07 acres on Little Elm Creek between Temple & Rogers. Enjoy the recreational aspects to the property while earning passive investment income off the productive leased farm land.
LOCATION: The North side of the intersection of Stringtown Road & Shaw Road. Easy access back to Temple via US-190/Hwy 36 or FM 3117/Oscar Road.
LAND COVER: Back of the property is currently Leased to an Agricultural Tenant. Approximately 35 acres is cultivated and in row crop production. Crop Rotation of Cotton & Corn. Remainder of Acreage being mostly Wooded/Brushy Sections along Little Elm Creek.
HYDROLOGY: 2,127' Linear Feet (4/10ths of a mile) of Frontage along Little Elm Creek. Partially within the 100 & 500 year floodplain.
TOPOGRAPHY: Flat to Sloping with 50' of Elevation Changes at 470' to 520' above sea level with 0% - 12% slopes.
SOILS: Heiden Clay, Houston ...
SOILS: Heiden Clay, Houston Black Clay and Tinn Clay Soils. Average Soil Productivity/Class Rating of Cultivated Land is 2.67.
UTILITIES: Overhead Electric along the North side of Stringtown Road. East Bell WSC Services the Area. Septic Required; No Sewer.
ROAD FRONTAGE: County Maintained Paved Road Frontage along Stringtown Road.
TAX: Open Space Valuation (Ag Exemption) in Place for Low Property Taxes. 2019 Estimated Tax: $150.
COMMENTS: A bridge will need to be constructed spaning Little Elm Creek to provide physical access to the back of the property. There is an easement for a natural gas pipeline along the back boundary of the property.