The Batesville Ranch is a wonderful property found in a highly desirable area of South Texas. This high fenced ranch is a combination of South Texas brush, red sand, and large oak lined draws. A strong deer herd has been established though the introduction of outside genetics and careful management.
Wildlife: Quail, Turkey, and other native species are found in large numbers. The whitetail herd has been improved through the introduction of outside genetics. These deer are the basis of the strong populations and will result in deer scoring over 170 BC.
Water: There is 1 electric well on the property. Two wet weather creeks dissect the property as well.
Terrain/Vegetation: The ranch is a great mix of red sand, south Texas brush, and large oaks along the creek. There is good elevation change across the middle of the ranch where a few gravel hills are found. Much of the ranch ...
Terrain/Vegetation: The ranch is a great mix of red sand, south Texas brush, and large oaks along the creek. There is good elevation change across the middle of the ranch where a few gravel hills are found. Much of the ranch is covered in Guayacan, Guajillo, and other native whitetail browse.
Location: 2 miles North of Batesville, 18 miles South of Uvalde, and only 85 miles from San Antonio.