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Size: 132.2 Acres

132.2 Acres in Bedford, IA - $780,000

BCM 132 Farm

Town: Bedford

County: Taylor

State: IA

Taxes: $ 1,713

Terms: Cash, Payable at Closing

Land Use: Of 133.76 farmland acres, 86.33 tillable acres

Possession: Upon Closing

Tillable Acres: 86.33

FSA Description: Corn Base 42.78, 127 PLC Yield; Soybeans Base 42.62, PLC Yield 35. (Taylor County FSA)

CSR Description: CSR2- 50 (Surety Maps)

Agent Comments: PPI is proud to present the BCM 132 Farm - located just East of Bedford at the intersection of Highway 2 and paved 265th Street! This farm has all the signs to be a fantastic tract to harvest deer, turkeys, and pheasant year in and year out. Timber draws and pockets of heavy timber line the farm, allowing for numerous places to hang a deer stand or for turkeys to roost. Running through the timber is a creek bed that allows for a water source for wildlife and to establish pinch points for your next hunt. The tillable acres offer a great income p...

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