507 +/- Tax Acres
Parcel 1 - $185,000.00 (200 +/- Tax Acres)
Parcel 2 - $195,000.00 (160 +/- Tax Acres)
Parcel 3 - $415,000.00 (147 +/- Tax Acres)
(Parcel 1) Pt Section 14, 15, 23 All in T1N-R37W, (Parcel 2)SE Section 18-T1N-R36W, & (Parcel 3)Lots 5-6-7 Section 32-T2N-R36W; Dundy County Nebraska
Located East of Benkelman Nebraska
This property includes Irrigated Acres, Dry Land Acres, Pasture Acres, & Recreational Acres.
Farm Ground primarily made up Sarben Loamy Sand, Ulysses Loam, Bolent-Almeria Complex, Scoville Loamy Sand, & Otero Fine Sandy Loam
Total Farmland Acres: 532
Total Crop Land Acres: 356.6
Base Acres:
Wheat: 156.1
Oats: 8.7
Grain Sorghum: 61.3
Well Reg # Well Date GPM Static Depth Cert Ac 15 Usage 16 Usage
G-087807 1991 ...
G-087807 1991 300 3 40 76.6 12.9 12.91
Pivot Towers Panel Power Unit Drops
Valley 7 Valley Electric Yes
Valley 4 Valley Electric Yes
-River bottom property with great stand of trees
-Great deer, turkey, and upland game hunting property
-Livestock well & 30 X 50 steel shed located on Parcel 1
2017 Net Taxes
Parcel 1 - $1,106.92
Parcel 2 $1,206.90
Parcel 3 - $2,316.54