Bid Date: Friday, September 30, 2016 at 10:00 A. M. Timberland Investment & Hunting Property Offers will be accepted for: 1) Land, 2) Timber, or 3) Land and Timber
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. has been authorized to manage the sale of 43 acres, more or less, located in Calhoun County, Arkansas. The property is being sold by sealed bid sale on Friday, September 30, 2016 at 10:00 A. M. Offers may be submitted for Land Only, Timber Only, or Land and Timber Combined. If the Land is sold separately from the Timber, the timber buyer will have a 24 month period in which to harvest the timber.
Location: This property is located approximately half-way between Hampton and Fordyce, Arkansas, in Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 13 West containing a total of 43 acres, more or less, located in Calhoun County, Arkansas.
Property Description: This is an excellent timberland investment p...
Property Description: This is an excellent timberland investment property which offers both immediate timber income and long term timber investment opportunities. The land to be sold consists of approximately 43 acres of commercial timberland that is stocked with natural pine and hardwood timber. According to the NRCS Web Soil Survey, the soils on this property are fine sandy loam soils and are considered prime farmland. The topography is gently rolling and approximately 60% of the property is moderately well-drained and is well-suited for harvesting equipment operability. These soils have great loblolly pine growth potential with an average site index of 85 feet (base Age 50).