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106 Acres in Zortman, MT - $450,000

Mining Montana

Strike it rich on six mining claims amid 106 acres that buzz with recreational bliss! This property lies in the Little Rocky Mountains that surround the tiny mountain community of Zortman. Accessible by a two-track mountain road, the stillness is deafening with abundant sunshine streaming through the towering timber. Wildlife such as elk, mule, and white-tailed deer roam the wilderness giving ample hunting opportunities. The property is surrounded by BLM promising endless exploration. Fresh mountain springs cut through gullies. These hills have gold in them! Local mines produced $125 million in gold before the 1950s so bring your pan or mining tools! Enjoy the breathtaking views, hunt, hike, horseback ride, explore the mountain treks with an ATV, or watch wildlife! Treasure this property for its riches in recreation and its potential for prosperous gold!Local AreaThe community of Zortman...

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