Location: The property is located 2 miles south of Moorefield, or 4.5 miles east of Curtis, Nebraska.
Legal Description: Parcel #1: SW1/4 Section 21; Parcel #2: E1/2 Section 20; All in T8N-R27W of the 6th P.M., Frontier County, Nebraska.
Acres: Parcel #1: 161.32 acres; Parcel #2: 318.73 acres
Taxes: 2015 taxes to be paid in 2016: Parcel #1 - $3,136.00; Parcel #2 - $4,457.40
Land Use: Parcel #1 includes 138.35 acres of non-irrigated cropland & 17.71 acres winter range.
Parcel #2 includes 147.16 acres of non-irrigated cropland & 169.26 acres summer range.
Water: Livestock water provided by a windmill and stock dam.
Price: Parcel #1: $343,500; Parcel #2: $532,500
Comments: Excellent cropland and hardland range.
Contact: Bruce Dodson; Co-Listing Agent 308-539-4455
Chase Dodson; Co-Listing Agent 308-520-1168
Mike Polk, John Childears, Tony Eggleston, Don Walker, ...
Mike Polk, John Childears, Tony Eggleston, Don Walker, Dallas Dodson, Jerry Weaver
Agri AffiliatesProviding Farm, Ranch Real Estate Services