Pennsylvania timberland investment property readyt to provide a return now and is located in the Elk range of NW PA for sale.This multi-parcel, nearly contiguous opportunity is located in the prime hardwood belt of Northwestern Pennsylvania on the Allegheny Plateau, more specifically in Jay Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania. This tract offers the purchaser a property with a long history of proper silvicultural treatments, poised to continue to provide steady cash flow results into the future. The present volume for the tract involved is estimated at 18,151,000 board feet of merchantable timber (Doyle Log Rule), or 5,420 board feet per forested acre.The timber was inventoried in 2018 by FORECON, Inc on a 5 chain by 5 chain grid utilizing a fixed radius1/5 acre plot method of tally on a systematic grid. A total of 1,338 sample points were obtained. At each point, all trees measuring 11.1 ...
Pennsylvania timberland investment property readyt to provide a return now and is located in the Elk range of NW PA for sale.This multi-parcel, nearly contiguous opportunity is located in the prime hardwood belt of Northwestern Pennsylvania on the Allegheny Plateau, more specifically in Jay Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania. This tract offers the purchaser a property with a long history of proper silvicultural treatments, poised to continue to provide steady cash flow results into the future. The present volume for the tract involved is estimated at 18,151,000 board feet of merchantable timber (Doyle Log Rule), or 5,420 board feet per forested acre.The timber was inventoried in 2018 by FORECON, Inc on a 5 chain by 5 chain grid utilizing a fixed radius1/5 acre plot method of tally on a systematic grid. A total of 1,338 sample points were obtained. At each point, all trees measuring 11.1 inches DBH and larger were measured and tallied by species, diameter and total height of merchantability to a USFS Grade 3 log specification to a 10 inch top diameter. The volume from 2018 was grown forward for 3 growing seasons to provide the current estimate of total volume. The predominant species by volume are red oak (32%), soft maple (15%), hemlock (11%), black cherry (8%), hard maple (7%), white oak (6%), mixed oak (6%), tulip poplar (3%), white pine (3%) and white ash (2%). The tract is dominated by medium to large sawtimber creating abundant opportunities for return on investment.The property has a long tenure of proper forest management including all phases from thinning/tending harvests, shelterwood to final overstory removal/regeneration harvests in several stands. Quality regeneration is abundant and can be readily reproduced on the many excellent growing sites that exist here coupled with the high quality seed source available.Access is provided by a combination of State and Township roads to the majority of the property. State Highway 255 provides excellent north-south access to the property and is a direct connection to Interstate 80 just 16 miles away. State Route 555 provides solid access from east to west along the southern reach of the property. Several Township roads pass through the tract, providing multiple direct access locations. Most of the important access routes are gated and locked. Others have earthen berms near the road front blocking access. The internal truck road and trail system is ideal for log trucks and equipment with many established log landings and excellent accessibility by truck, ATV or on foot, particularly if you plan to monetize the investment with a hunting lease.Several non-timber areas of the property are former reclaimed strip mines. The reclaimed areas, along with many of the forested areas, are in the prime habitat zone of the growing Benezette elk herd. They routinely feed and move freely along the old strip areas. Benezette is only about 3 miles, straight line, from the property adding yet another unique and attractive conservation quality to this tract. It also has an abundant deer, turkey and bear population making it enticing from a hunting lease perspective, along with the elk tag annual lottery.The tract also has a half mile of frontage on the Bennett Branch Sinnemahoning Creek. This stream is stocked by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission as part of their trout stocking program.Boundaries are painted, posted and well marked. Purple paint is the dominant color along the road frontage indicating the property is Posted. Other boundaries are also painted in a variety of colors and posted signs with Queenstown Hunt Club are marking the lines as well.EQT owns the Oil & Gas rights. Any residual Oil & Gas rights owned by WAPH will transfer. The Seller will be, Excepting and reserving all coal and minerals, other than oil and gas, together with all rights necessary or convenient to produce said coal and minerals. Should development of the coal and minerals result in damages to the overlying property including timber, grantor will be responsible for all reasonable and documented damages.This is a great opportunity to own a large ownership in the prime hardwood timber growing region of the Alleghenies. Call Brian Bullard at 716-499-5608 to coordinate your tour of the property.