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Size: 111.11 Acres

111.11 Acres in Rockville, IN - $333,000

Parke County Indiana 111 acres

The Parke County, Indiana 111 acres.

This 111 acre property is located just minutes from downtown Rockville, IN 47872. The property is classified as mixed use recreational, timberland. The property has road frontage and a gated entrance off County Road 400 South. This gated entrance leads to a good internal road system that provides good access to most of the property. A small one room outbuilding/cabin is located on the property as well. The wooded acres are steep with a lot of nice trees for plenty of stand locations. The deer sign is everywhere in the form of rubs, scrapes, and trails that have been worn down from years of use. The many ridge tops produce a lot of roosting trees for the resident turkeys. The remaining terrain is a good mix of flat ridge tops and rolling hills. A drainage creek runs through most of the property. The surrounding properties are made up of wooded and...

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