Twenty acres located off of County Road 44 in New Smyrna Beach featuring 4 acres in young planted pines. If youre looking for a remote property as a getaway from city life, this will locate you centrally to I95 and I4 but provides the kind of seclusion thats needed for ATVs and recreational shooting. An established trail system through the property allows you access to the whole property by truck. A raised berm bordering three sides helps to assure a solid backstop making this a perfect property for hunters or recreational shooters, including rifle and skeet. If youre looking for 20 acres on the east coast of Florida to make a camp, have bonfires, utilize your off-road vehicles, or just put up a few stands to hunt, this property is for you.
Property Features:
- Close to New Smyrna Beach
- Property surrounded by berms
- Remote
- Planted pines
- Native prairie