Legal Description: All of Section 9, T13N-R15W of the 6th P.M., Sherman County, Nebraska
Property Description: Sherman County Assessor indicates a total of 628.98 tax-assessed acres. Property consists entirely of hardland pasture, with good fencing and excellent livestock water availability.
Improvements: A nice set of corrals is located in the southern portion of the property near Highway 10.
Livestock Water: Livestock water is provided by four dams, a windmill, and a well equipped with an electric submersible servicing five water sites.
Soils: Soils consist primarily of Uly and Coly silt loams with lesser amounts of Hord and Hobbs silt loams. Slopes range from 0-30%.
Taxes: 2022 Real Estate Taxes: $11,259.42
List Price: $1,478,100
Comments: Productive range with excellent access and location. Border and cross fencing are in very good condition with property divided into four pa...
Comments: Productive range with excellent access and location. Border and cross fencing are in very good condition with property divided into four pastures. Grazing properties of this quality rarely come on the market.