Contact United Country Stutzman Realty & Auction to inquire about this tract of CRP and native grass pasture in Norton County, KS.
Available by Private Auction - Bid by phone - Bid by Sept 1, 2020.
This tract of CRP and native grass pasture, currently being grazed, features cattle-tight fencing in average quality and condition. With the terrain consisting of rolling hills, deep ravines and mature trees mixed with thickets, a suitable habitat exists for Whitetail and Mule Deer within Kansas Deer Unit 1. This property does not have an independent water supply although there are seasonal watering spots throughout the property.
TRACT #3 - W/2 of E/2 in S32-T4-R23 Norton County, KS
Directions: Intersection of KS HWY 9 and County Road W-2 Two miles north to County Road Y, then mile west. SE corner of property begins.
Acres: 160 Auc...
Acres: 160 Auction Acres
Taxes: 2019 $943.02
Minerals: Included but non-producing.
CRP Contract #10056C,122.33 Acres,Rental Rate of $34.70 per acre ,Annual Contract Payment of $4,245.00,Contract expires 09-30-2022,Buyer shall receive the entire 2020 and any subsequent CRP payment(s).
Possession: Immediate upon Closing and upon the finished 2020 grazing season.
For any inquiries, to learn the bidding process, learn the current bid or to place a bid, contact Tobias (Toby) Stutzman at United Country Stutzman Realty & Auction. TR#3